If there was a list of things I never thought I'd ever do, writing a blog would be pretty near the top, somewhere between swimming with crocodiles and bungee jumping off...well, pretty much anything. And yet here I am!
This first entry is just to say hello but in future I will be either talking about my art or about artists I love and/or whose work inspires me in some way. I'm not the kind of person who thinks about their art in a very intellectual considered way, a lot (but not all) of what I do is more instinctual than thought out. But I'll explain all that in another installment. You needn't worry that I'll be using too much 'artspeak' either, that just isn't my style. I want what I do to be as accessible possible to as many people as possible.

When talking about my own work I shall try to explain, where necessary, what my process is, and why I'm doing it that way. I say 'try' because I don't always know myself, I often do things because they feel right rather than coming from any thought out plan of action, especially when painting. My pen and ink drawings tend to be much tighter - more highly rendered - than my paintings though so more planning is required for those.

The artists who have made an impact on me come from many different styles, schools and disciplines, from Pre-Raphaelites to illustrators, from Japanese prints to comics. Their influence may or may not always be visible in my work but it will be there in the execution, thinking, composition or some other way. I hope you will find what I have to say interesting and maybe you'll discover a new artist along the way!

Thank you Keith! Hopefully that's exactly what you will get here.
Well thats a resounding 10 outta 10 from me Mark ... I find anything that "Gets you into the Head" of someone be it an Artist or Engineer gives "Good Grounding" to understand the final "product" that is produced .......Be it architectural or "Art" itself ..(Like WHY a (say) road bridge is the way it is or WHY an Artist has used inspiration from "X" to produce a particular painting ...
Good show Matey .. I'm eager fer more ... Keith
Thank you for the lovely comments! I'm afraid I can't reply individually - either the website either doesn't allow it or I haven't discovered how yet - but your encouragement is brilliant! I'll post another blog soon but in the meantime if anyone has any questions, or would like to suggest a topic for a blog post, feel free to let me know!
Great start Mark - looking forward to future posts. Cheers! Ade
I like this blog a good introduction to your art, I also like the fact you will be communicating your art to the many people like myself, who love to look at art but know nothing about it, keep blogging.